May 19, 2024

We’re Not Just Duct Tape Anymore

2020 was a difficult year for all of us. If COVID-19 wasn’t bad enough, we also had to contend with a would-be dictator and his cultists refusing to accept defeat and attempting to install their idol… well, it wasn’t a great year.

Because of the pandemic, it’s been almost three years since we last attended a craft fair. We’re slowly getting back into the rhythm, so we’ll be posting updates up here again as we have events to promote and news to share.

During the lockdown, Rick started looking for new hobbies to occupy his time, and began twisting and bending paperclips into sculptures.

No one said they were practical or anything!

Eventually, he got the idea to make a paperclip chain, but not like most people would do by just linking paperclips together. Instead, he started turning the paperclips into proper chain links.

Extreme closeup 1
It might have started getting out of hand

The next logical (if one can call it such) step was to make rings out of the paperclip wire and weave them together.

A pretty good start
Ran out of paperclips at this point

Once the supply of paperclips had run out, Rick was hooked. He began searching the internet for tutorials, suppliers, and tools to make a full-sized project. After a few months, he had completed his first project: a chainmail coif consisting of approximately 6,200 rings, and weighing over 7 pounds!

Yes, that is a Star Trek Next Generation hoodie under there. The rings like to grab and pull hair.

Once that was finished, he began experimenting with rings of different sizes and colors. A number of projects resulted:

Don’t worry, though; we’re still doing duct tape projects!

We still have tons of tape to work with!

Look for us at our next event and see what’s new!