HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, etc…

I am the sort of person who likes to be “hands on,” meaning I want to know how stuff works. I love WordPress, because it’s really easy to configure and run a website and blog without necessarily having to know how everything works under the hood.

But I don’t like not knowing how everything works under the hood. I can drive a car, and I understand how an internal combustion engine works, but I do not feel in any way compelled to do my own repairs, or even change the oil. I’ve learned enough to know I don’t enjoy that kind of thing.

But programming intrigues me. The idea that languages exist to get a bunch of ones and zeros to line up in such a way as to create a flying dragon on the screen that can incinerate a game character who doesn’t have enough HP to survive a fireball… That’s real power.

So when html first became a thing, I wanted to learn how it worked. I learned about tags and links and frames and other web magic. Then I went away for a while.

Now, html has all kinds of other companion bells and whistles, and it’s slightly overwhelming. But I love it. I’m plodding through it. I will make it work.

You folks who do website design for a living have my respect.

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