There were times when I felt less like my planet’s representative to the galaxy and more like a B-movie celebrity. Most events at UnionCon were at least nominally about promoting goodwill between the systems of the Galactic Union. The meet-and-greet, on the other hand, was primarily about signing autographed photos for groupies. Yes, I had groupies.
Tag: backstory
Rules of Engagement, Part 2
This is the conclusion of a two-part story. If you’ve not read Part 1, you can link to it here. Search Ada gaped at the Denebian vessel. “How does it fly without wings or propellers? It’s too small to be an airship.” “It’s hard to explain in layman’s terms,” said Luken. “The engines manipulate gravity…Read More…
Rules of Engagement, Part 1
Ada Stein will be a familiar character to anyone who has already read A Time to Build, the first book in the Umea Bakearen series. I was only marginally aware of Ms. Stein’s history when I introduced her character, and when I discovered who she really was, I decided to dig deeper and learn as much as I could about her.
The Void Crossing
The following is an excerpt from A Time to Mourn. It’s a tale of how the Jhelin came to this galaxy and settled in Vega. Long ago, the governing body of the galaxy became corrupt. Instead of serving the common good, they sought power for themselves. They passed laws that made it nearly impossible to…Read More…