This story provides a bit of backstory about the friendship between Wayne and Janet. If you’ve read A Time to Build, you’ll note that the fangirl cosplaying as the X-Wing Pilot was Lynne, Wayne’s future wife. This was one of several near-misses between Lynne and Wayne before they finally made that all-important love connection.
1. UnionCon
There were times when I felt less like my planet’s representative to the galaxy and more like a B-movie celebrity. Most events at UnionCon were at least nominally about promoting goodwill between the systems of the Galactic Union. The meet-and-greet, on the other hand, was primarily about signing autographed photos for groupies. Yes, I had groupies.
Ben and I sat at a table with stacks of photos. Scores of young ladies—at least, I was pretty sure they were mostly all ladies, though with some races it wasn’t that obvious—stood in lines waiting to talk to us.
Ben put down his pen and cracked his knuckles. “So, how’s your girlfriend?”
“You mean Janet? She’s fine. She’s not really my girlfriend, though. Not the way you mean.”
Ben shook his head and laughed. “C’mon, Wayne. She followed you to college, even though she can’t really afford it. I’ve seen her picture. She seems pretty enough. If I wasn’t already semi-serious about a girl, I’d give it a shot.”
I rolled my eyes. “Oh, like you’d have a shot.”
“Hey, I’m Ben Elan, Umea Bakearen of Deneb!”
“That might mean something here at UnionCon, but on Earth, you’d be as much a nobody as I am.”
“You’re not a nobody. You’re Wayne Freed, Umea Bakearen of Sol III!”
“You don’t get it, do you? Two booths at the food court could probably fit all of the people of Earth who know about it. Janet’s not one of them.”
Ben gaped. “Why does she even like you, then?”
“Oh, thanks for the vote of confidence. For your information, she’s my sister’s best friend. I’ve known her for years.”
“Well, think about this, then. If you and I had not been exchanged at birth, I might have been the one carrying her picture around.”
I hated conceding the point. Ben and I had been exchanged at birth to ratify the Sol-Deneb treaty. As long as we both remained alive and unharmed, Earth and Deneb would remain at peace, and all life on Earth would not be exterminated by Deneb. As a result, we were treated as celebrities almost everywhere in the known galaxy, except for one glaring exception. Earth was not yet a member of the galactic community, so my identity was a state secret. Even in my family, the only one who knew was my dad. Mom’s memory of the event had been suppressed, for reasons I still didn’t fully understand. Not even Lucy, my younger sister, had a clue.
There were times I wished I could tell Janet everything, but I was bound by treaty not to talk about it to anyone not already in the know. Ben had no idea how good he had it, not having to keep secrets from the ones he loved.
I sighed. “You keep thinking the grass is greener on the other side of the galaxy, don’t you? It’s not as simple as all that. If it weren’t for Sol-Deneb, my family wouldn’t have moved to Oklahoma in the first place. I never would have met Janet.”
Ben smiled. “You mean, I never would have met Janet.”
“Whatever. Neither of us would have. And just because I’m not sleeping with Janet doesn’t mean I don’t love her. I just don’t want to complicate our relationship until I’m done with school.”
“Do you really think she’ll wait for you that long?”
I shrugged. “I don’t know. But you’re still not getting near her. You wouldn’t want me hitting on Sandra, would you?”
“Her name is Sonja, and I doubt she’d go out with you, anyway. From what her sister tells me, she’s got it bad for me.”
“From what her sister tells you? She’s never said so herself?”
“I haven’t actually talked to her. Her sister said she needs a bit of encouragement. She even suggested we might double-date. I get the impression she really wants to meet you. Her name’s Lana.” Ben frowned. “No, that doesn’t sound right. Maybe it’s Lisa, or Linda. I know it started with an L. What do you say?”
“I say you’re crazy if you think I’m letting you set me up on another blind date.”
Ben put up his hands defensively. “That was not my fault. How was I supposed to know my date’s friend was Ursan? I promise this girl is fully human, if you’re worried about fur.”
“The girl’s fur was not the problem, Ben. She was fourteen!”
“Huh,” said Ben. “Pretty well-built for her age.”
“You still don’t get it,” I said. “That’s statutory rape where I come from! Pretty much anywhere else in the galaxy, too.”
“Only if you slept with her.” Ben’s face suddenly went white. “Tell me you didn’t sleep with her. Her family would probably make human-skin rugs out of the both of us!”
I glared at him. “I guess it’s a good thing she wasn’t your date, then. I’d prefer to know a girl before I’d ever take her to bed.”
Hmph. Where’s the adventure in that?” Ben raised an eyebrow. “You’ve never had sex, have you?”
“I don’t see how that’s any of your business.”
“Ha!” Ben said, clapping his hands once. “I knew it!”
I signed another photo and handed it to the next girl in line, an attractive Aldebaran dressed as slave girl Leia. With her blue skin, she might better have portrayed one of the dancing girls, but she still wore it well. I gave her a nod. “Nice costume, miss.”
The Return of the Jedi had released on Earth a year or two earlier, and I’d brought a copy of it to show during the Popular Culture of Earth presentation at my last UnionCon. This year, nearly everyone who lined up for my autograph wore costumes patterned after the movie. By far, the most popular cosplay was the Princess Leia slave girl.
“Thank you for noticing, Ambassador.” The girl winked. “I couldn’t help overhearing your conversation. I wouldn’t mind being your first.”
I blushed and smiled. “I am flattered, and you are an attractive woman. I trust you overheard the part about me wanting to know you, first.”
“I did, indeed. I’m Na Hi.” She handed me a card with her name, contact information, body measurements, blood type, and a host of other data I would never have thought to ask about. “Give me a call. You won’t regret it.”
“I can’t promise you anything,” I said, “But I will certainly think it over, Na Hi. Thank you.”
She gave me a wink. “As you wish, Ambassador.”
As she walked away, Ben cleared his throat and whispered, “Are you going to use that?”
I chuckled and tossed the card onto his stack. “Don’t get any diseases.”
Ben scoffed. “Not likely. Her card includes her immunization record. And what methods of birth control she’s using.” He sighed and handed the card back. “Bummer. ‘This invitation is non-transferable.’ She really thought of everything. What a waste. If only she’d gotten into my line.”
“A-ha!” I said. “This is a grass-is-greener thing for you, isn’t it? You’re jealous because all the women in your line cosplayed as zombies and slime devils. You want dozens of Leia slaves.”
“You say it as if it were a bad thing.”
I shook my head and signed the next photo. When I looked up, instead of another Leia, I saw a rather stunning X-Wing pilot cosplay. She wore a satiny orange bodysuit with a white vest, a gun belt across her hips, high-heeled boots, and a visored helmet. All I could see of her face were her lips, but it was enough to grab my attention. “Um, nice costume? Well done, indeed.”
The lips smiled back at me and began moving. I wondered what kissing them might feel like when I realized that moving lips meant she had been talking to me. “Uh, I’m sorry. What did you say?”
“I said it was kind of a last-minute thing.”
“My costume. I had another one, but I chickened out when I saw how many other Leia costumes there were.”
“Yes, there are a bunch of them, aren’t there?” I handed her a photo. “Yours is nice, though.” I realized I’d missed something she said yet again. “I’m sorry, I seem to be terribly distracted, miss.”
“It’s fine,” she said. “I just wanted to say I’m a huge fan. See you around, and thanks for the photo.”
“You’re welcome.” I knew there was something I wanted to ask her, but I couldn’t for the life of me remember what it was, until I looked back down at my stack of photos.
I had neglected to get her name. The one woman in the bunch I actually wanted to talk to, and I’d forgotten to ask her name. I jumped up, intending to follow her.
“Where are you going?” said Ben. “We’ve only got another ten minutes before closing, can’t it wait?”
I looked back toward Ben to tell him I’d be right back, but in the process, I misjudged the precise location of the steps down from the platform. I heard the pop of my ankle rolling about a second or two before I felt the searing pain.
As the stars cleared from my eyes, I caught one last glimpse of the lovely pilot walking out. I tried to stand, but my ankle couldn’t support me. I yelped and sat back down as several security personnel and a medic ran toward me.
2. Sidelined
“Nothing broken,” said the infirmary doctor looking at my scan. “Grade-two sprain.”
“Are you sure?” I asked. “It made a pretty loud pop, and it hurts like hell.”
She smiled. “I don’t doubt it, Ambassador Freed. The ligament is torn, but still attached. It’ll heal on its own without surgery.” She wrapped an elastic bandage around my ankle as she spoke. “Elevation while sitting will keep the swelling down. No weight bearing for at least six weeks, and you should wear a brace for the next year or so if you play any contact sports. I’ll write you a prescription for pain meds and my nurse will bring you a pair of crutches.”
“That’s it?” I asked. “I kind of expected a healing beam or something.”
The doctor started. “Do you have that kind of tech on Sol III? I’d love to get my hands on it.”
I sighed and shook my head. “Sorry, no we don’t. It’s just that with all the other advanced tech I’ve seen out here, crutches feel a little mundane.”
She nodded. “I understand. Sorry to disappoint.”
“Not at all. I’ll be good, Doc. No weight for eight weeks, and take care not to reinjure it. Thank you.”
“My pleasure, Ambassador.” she shook my hand and left.
The nurse showed me how to adjust the crutches. “Have you ever used crutches before?”
I smiled. “I’ve been pretty lucky up until now. And loads more graceful.”
She smiled. “Even the most graceful dancer can fall down stairs.”
I chuckled. “That makes me feel a little better. Thanks.”
“You are very welcome.” She helped me stand up and balance on my crutches, then walked with me back out to the waiting area. “I do hope you enjoy the rest of your UnionCon experience.”
“I will do my best.”
Ben stared at the nurse as she walked away. “Please tell me you got that nurse’s number, Wayne. She’s even hotter than that Nadia girl.”
“Na Hi, Ben. Her name was Na Hi. And no, I didn’t.”
“What a waste. So what’s the damage?”
“It’s a bad sprain. Looks like I’ll have to skip the camping trip, this year.”
“Bad luck,” said Ben. “What was so important, anyway? You never said.”
“Yes I did! That girl in the flight suit. I wanted to get her name. I blame you for this, by the way. I was turning back to answer you when I fell!”
Ben put his hands up. “I just asked where you were going. I didn’t push you or anything.”
I shook my head. “Forget it. Doesn’t matter. I’ll probably never see the girl again, anyway.”
“Aw, don’t be so glum, chum. You still have Janet. I bet she’d look pretty hot in a body suit like that, too.”
“Is that all you ever think about? Girls in tight costumes?”
“No, I picture them out of their costumes, too.”
“I wish I had gotten her name.”
“Lynne!” said Ben.
“Sonja’s sister. Her name is Lynne.”
“That’s great, Ben, but it doesn’t help me with the X-Wing girl. Damn, I wish I had gotten her name before she left the table.”
“Wish I could help you, but I didn’t see enough of her face to able to pick her out of a crowd if I saw her again. She had nice lips, though.”
“Yeah, whatever.” I leaned on my crutches and managed a smile. “Have fun camping, anyway. Sorry for bailing.”
“Don’t sweat it. We’ll go camping again, one of these years.” Ben winked. “Are you sure you don’t want me to set up a double date with Sonja and her sister? You’re bound to get some extra sympathy attention with your crutches and all.”
I nodded. “Yeah, I know you mean well, but I’d rather make my own mistakes, thanks.”
Ben laughed. “Suit yourself. Hope you make some good ones.”
3. Distracted
Janet ran over as soon as she saw me crutch into the student center. “Oh, you poor thing! What happened to you?”
“I wasn’t watching where I was going.”
As she kissed me, I noticed that her hair smelled like cotton candy. Dyed pink as it was, it looked like it, too. “Does it hurt?”
“Only when I’m awake.” I grinned and brushed her hair back. “Ben’s right. You really are beautiful.”
Janet beamed. “Why, thank you, Wayne. You’ve never said that to me before. Who’s Ben?”
“No one you’re likely to meet, if I have anything to say about it. He’s a nice enough guy, but kind of a womanizer. You deserve better.”
“I’d like to think I already have better.” Janet pulled up an extra seat for me to prop up my ankle. “I collected your missed assignments for you while you were gone, just like you asked.”
“Thanks, Janet. I knew I could count on you.”
“Where did you go, anyway? It wasn’t somewhere dangerous, was it? Is that how you got hurt, running microfilm through Checkpoint Charlie?”
I laughed. “No, nothing like that. Besides, Checkpoint Charlie hasn’t existed in years.”
“Where, then?”
“I wish I could tell you where I went, but I’m not allowed.”
“Can you at least tell me how you hurt yourself?” Janet unwrapped the bandage. “Nice bruising, there.” She kissed my ankle and wrapped it up again. “So?”
“I missed a stair, chasing after a girl.”
Janet crossed her arms. “You were chasing a girl, and it wasn’t me? Serves you right, then! Sounds like your friend Ben isn’t the only womanizer around here.”
“No, it wasn’t like that at all. I just wanted to know her name, I wasn’t trying to take her to bed or anything. I was just—I’m not really sure what I wanted from her.”
“Was she pretty?”
“I guess so. It doesn’t matter, anyway. She’s gone, and I’m a cripple.”
“I guess that means you’re completely at my mercy, then,” said Janet. “You don’t need to go girl-chasing, you know. I’m here, and you know I’m willing.”
“I know, and if I had my way, I just might take you up on it.”
“Why can’t you have your way with me?”
“I really wish I could tell you. But you wouldn’t believe me.”
“We live in DC, one of the strangest cities on Earth.” She stood behind my chair and began massaging my shoulders. “Maybe you really are a spy. NSA? CIA?” Her eyes widened. “KGB?”
“If I say yes to that last one, will you stop asking me?” But I could feel my bad mood slipping away with every stroke of her fingers. “Are you sure you want to go into Law? With fingers like yours, you’d make a great masseuse.”
“Yeah, but I would only want to touch handsome men, like you. They probably only give the cute ones to the senior masseuses.”
I laughed. “Thanks, Janet. You always know how to cheer me up. I should probably get to work, now. I’ve got a bunch of catching up to do.”
She bowed. “I’m here to serve. You rest your foot and tell me what you need, and I’ll get it for you.”
“What did I ever do to deserve such a pretty maidservant?” I said.
“Don’t get used to it. Once your ankle’s better, it’s back to getting your own stuff. I’m no one’s errand girl. Got it?”
“Got it. I’ll probably do the same for you, some time.”
We spent the next few hours doing research in the library. I wrote my reports, while Janet retrieved and shelved books for me, staying quietly out of the way, but always there when I needed her.
After a half-dozen reports, I was beginning to get irritable again. My ankle hurt, and so did my head.
“You’re starting to make silly mistakes,” Janet said, looking over my paper. “I think we should call it a night.”
“I’m almost caught up,” I said.
“Almost burned up, you mean. Your eyes are red. You haven’t left that chair in over two hours. Don’t you ever have to pee?”
“Only if I eat and drink.”
“When’s the last time you did that?”
“It was a couple of hours before I came in here, I think.”
“Wayne! That’s no good! That’s it, then. I’m not helping you anymore.”
“I’m almost done,” I said. “Just two more papers, then we can get some supper.”
“No, now.”
“I have to finish!”
Janet got a determined look in her eye, one I’ve long since learned to fear. “If you don’t stop what you’re doing, I—I’ll get us thrown out of here, I swear!”
“Yeah, right,” I said, and went back to writing.
Something landed on the desk next to my page. It was a bra. “What the?” I looked at Janet. She was still wearing all her clothes, except for the bra. “How did you do that?”
“I’ll show you sometime, if you behave. Are we leaving, or do I have to take something else off?”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Oh, no?” She slowly began unbuttoning her blouse.
“Janet! You’re going to get us into trouble!”
“That’s the idea,” she said, undoing the last button. She hadn’t bared her breasts, but I could see bare skin all the way from her neck down past her navel. She slowly began to slide the blouse off her shoulder.
I had to stop her. “You win, Janet. Where do you want to go?”
“Nothing fancy, just anywhere but here.”
4. Tempted
When we arrived at her apartment about a half an hour later, Janet handed me the bag of food so she could open the door. “It’s locked. Aimee must have gone home for the weekend.”
“I should go if your roommate’s not here,” I said.
“Not before you eat something, Wayne.” Janet took the bag and held open the door. “Don’t argue with me, or I’ll hide your crutches.”
My stomach growled. “I’m not going to argue with you. You’re right. I need food.”
“Have a seat on the couch. You can toss your coat on the chair over there. I’ll get you a cushion for your ankle.”
I took off my coat and hopped to the couch. Janet came back with a pillow and set my foot upon it. “Aimee’s gone for the weekend. She left this note on the counter. So it’s just you and me.” She began massaging my toes. “How does that feel? Does your ankle hurt?”
“It’s not that bad, really. It’s been almost two weeks since I fell. But it still hurts like hell if I try to put any weight on it.”
“Then I won’t let you.” Janet opened up the bag and handed me my container. She sat down beside me and opened her box. “I can’t tell you how much I’ve been looking forward to this, Wayne. I missed you while you were gone, you know.”
“I missed you, too.”
“You could take me with you, next time.”
“No, I couldn’t.” In my best Bogart—which still wasn’t very good—I added, “Where I have to go, you can’t follow. What I’ve got to do, you can’t be any part of.”
Janet laughed. “Is that where you go? Casablanca?”
“No, not exactly.”
“You won’t tell me?”
“I can’t tell you. Someday, maybe.”
Janet kicked off her heels. “You are so frustrating, sometimes.”
“I don’t mean to be, Janet. Ask me something I can answer truthfully.”
“Alright, how did you sprain your ankle?”
I smiled. “I already told you that. I missed a stair while chasing after a girl who probably isn’t half as wonderful as you, anyway.”
“That’s a good answer. Your turn. Ask me a question.”
“I don’t know what to ask.”
Janet stood up. “Okay, then, I’ll just answer the question you asked me earlier. Watch closely.” She quickly made a series of movements, and her bra was in her hand.
“How does one learn how to do that?”
She laughed. “Well, first, you need a bra.”
“I guess I’m disqualified, then. You know we could have been arrested, don’t you? That could have led to expulsion for both of us.”
“Then it’s good that you stopped me.” Janet sighed. “I knew you would. I know how important your schoolwork is to you. It’s even more important to you than I am.”
I took Janet’s hand. “Not true. I’ve known you almost all my life. You’re family to me.”
Janet rolled her eyes. “I know, I’m just like your little sister. You still see a little girl when you look at me, don’t you?”
“I’m not a little girl anymore! I’m almost nineteen years old! I can vote! I can love. And so can you.” She began to unbutton her blouse.
“What are you doing, Janet?”
“Just watch and see.” She slowly slipped her skirt down around her ankles and stepped out of it. She kicked and the skirt landed on the sofa beside me.
“You do that very well,” I said.
“I’ve rehearsed this in my mind many times.” She now wore nothing but her blouse and underpants. She turned her back to me and removed them both.
“Oh, Janet, you are most definitely a woman.”
She turned around. “Do you like what you see?”
Her figure was, in a word, perfect. But then, up to that point, her body was the only one I had ever seen up close. “You have a beautiful body, Janet.”
“This body is yours for the taking. I love you. I’ve always loved you.”
“I know. I love you, too, Janet.”
She sat beside me and began to unbutton my shirt. “I’ve waited a long time for this, Wayne.”
I closed my eyes as she began to undo my belt. In my mind, I began to see images of a figure wearing an orange bodysuit and high-heeled boots. The figure reached up to remove her helmet.
My eyes snapped open. “Stop, Janet.”
Janet frowned. “What’s the matter, lover? Did I do something wrong?”
“No, it’s not that. I love you. I’m flattered that a woman with a body as astonishingly beautiful as yours would offer herself to me. But I can’t cross this line. Not right now.
Janet began to cry. “I want you, Wayne! I can see that you want me. I’m giving myself to you! Why won’t you take me?”
“I can’t have you, not now. The timing is all wrong. I wish I could explain why, but I can’t.”
“You don’t love me.”
I stroked her hair. “There’s no one on Earth I love more than you. I just can’t go through with this right now. I have to go. Can I have my crutches back, please?”
“I could hold them hostage, you know. I could keep them until you give me what I want.”
“Would that make you happy?”
“No.” Janet got up, put her blouse back on, and retrieved my crutches. “You would hate me.”
I stood up, balancing on my good leg as I tucked my shirt back in. “I could never hate you.”
She frowned. “Well, I would hate me.”
I put my coat on and kissed her. “I do love you, Janet. Never doubt that.”
5. The Oath
Janet’s machine answered when I tried to call her the next morning. I left a message, and several more as the day wore on, with no response. I even stopped by her apartment, but she was either not at home or pretending not to be. I gave up and returned home.
I bumped into her roommate on Monday. She gasped and pointed at my crutches. “What happened to you?”
I smiled. “It’s a long story. The short version is that I missed a stair and sprained my ankle. Can I talk to you about Janet?”
“What happened between you and her? She won’t talk about it.”
“I don’t think I should say anything if she hasn’t. I don’t want to embarrass her.”
“She did the striptease, didn’t she? I told her it was a bad idea.”
I smiled. “No, it was a very good idea. It just wasn’t the right time.”
“What happened, then?”
“I can’t say. Like I said—”
“I know, you don’t want to embarrass her.”
I nodded. “I do want to talk to her, though. She won’t return my calls, and she won’t buzz me in if I come to the door.”
Aimee nodded. “I’ll help you. Meet me out in front tonight. I’ll get you past the front door and into the apartment. The rest is up to you.”
“Thanks, Aimee. I’ll owe you one.”
“If she does break up with you, call me. I promise you, nothing embarrasses me.”
I laughed. “Thanks for the offer, but I don’t have time for a serious relationship, or I’d already be in one with Janet.”
“Who said anything about serious? I’m just looking for sex. I’ve never done it with a guy on crutches. You could help me cross the nurse fantasy off my bucket list.”
“Aren’t you a little young for a bucket list? You’re not terminally ill, are you?”
“If I said yes, would that get you into bed with me?”
“Uh, no.”
She sighed. “Well, it was worth a try, anyway. I guess Janet’s lucky to have a guy like you in love with her. I kind of wish I’d found you first.”
Janet frowned when she saw me. “What are you doing here?”
“I invited him,” said Aimee. “Look, Janet, you don’t just let a guy like this get away. You need to talk it out.”
“I guess as long as you’re here, you might as well come in.” Janet turned and walked back into the apartment.
“That’s the spirit! I’m outta here. Don’t forget to leave a hanger on the door if you’re going to do it! I’ll check in on you guys later.”
“You wouldn’t return my calls,” I said.
“I didn’t know what to say to you. I felt dirty. You must think I’m some kind of slut.”
“How would you know what I think, if you won’t talk to me?”
Janet shrugged. “I guess you got me, there. What do you think of me, then?”
I took Janet’s hand. “I love you. I want to be absolutely clear about that. I’d never have been able to forgive myself if I had taken you to bed the other night.”
“Would it be so bad? I want it, and I was sure you did.”
“You have no idea how hard it was to walk away, Janet. It’s just that I have a lot on my plate right now. I told you once before that my school work is vitally important. It’s not more important than you, but you’re too important for only half my attention.”
“I don’t understand.”
“When I do make love to you, I want to give you everything: heart, mind, and body. Maybe someday I’ll be allowed to tell you everything, and then you’ll understand why we couldn’t be lovers right now. I promise you that you have right of first refusal on my body.”
Janet laughed. “Spoken like a true lawyer. So what happens now?”
“I pledge my love to you. I don’t have time for a girlfriend right now. You are the one I would choose if I did.”
“What about Miss What’s-Her-Name?”
I shrugged. “I can’t say why she caught my eye, but I wouldn’t have any more time for a relationship with her than I would with you, and I sure as hell don’t want to sleep with anyone but you. If you don’t believe me, you can ask Aimee. She offered.”
“She didn’t!” Janet looked surprised and shocked at first, then she started to laugh. “Of course she did. She probably mentioned her nurse fantasy, didn’t she?”
“What, is there anything you won’t talk to each other about?”
“No, not really. It’s a girl thing.” She hugged me tightly. “I believe you, Wayne.”
“It’s the truth. If you’ll wait for me, I promise to be your lover after I graduate. I might ask you to marry me one day. But no matter what, I will always be your friend. I will always hold you in my heart, and I’ll be there for you. I promise to always love you.”
“I’ll wait for you. When the time is right, I will be your lover. If you ask me to, I’ll be your wife. But even if not, I’ll always be there for you. I promise I will always love you, too. I always have, you know.”
“I know.”
“That sounds like some kind of oath,” said Aimee. “You just became soul-friends, or something like that. That’s like totally new-age stuff!”
“I thought you were going to leave us alone,” said Janet.
“I was, but I got nosy. Forgive me.”
I laughed. “We will, Aimee.”
“You two are crazy, you know. I’m not sure I could wait that long. It’s going to be three years, at least.”
“Maybe we are crazy,” said Janet, “but I think he’s worth waiting for.”
“He may be, but if you aren’t going to be lovers right now, I don’t think you ever will be. You’re probably going to end up being soul-friends or whatever, but you’re never going to sleep together. You two are either aliens, or you’re both insane!”
“You may be right,” said Janet.
I smiled. “I may be crazy.”
Together, we sang, “but it just may be a lunatic you’re looking for!”
“I’m serious! But you know what else? I think you’re going to be okay with that.” Aimee looked me over. “I guess I won’t ever get to sleep with you, either.”
“Not unless you want to be on crutches yourself, sister,” said Janet. “You heard him, he’s mine, or nobody’s!”
I hugged Aimee. “Don’t be discouraged. You’ll find someone.”
“Yeah, maybe. Not on this planet, anyway.”
“Then you’ll just have to look on another one.”
Aimee laughed. “As if that were possible. I’m going out. For real, this time. I need to find my Mr. Right! And when I do, I’m taking him to bed right away, you hear me?”
“I think the whole building can hear you,” said Janet.
“You would have made hot lovers, too.” Aimee sounded disappointed. “I would have enjoyed hearing about it afterward! So, how did the two of you meet, anyway?”
“We grew up next door to each other,” I said.
“I’m his sister’s best friend,” said Janet.
“Damn,” said Aimee. “It’s too late for me to take that path, then. The boy next door to me is gay, damn him. Ah, well. I’ll see you guys later.”
After Aimee left, I hugged Janet. “For what it’s worth, you’re my best friend, too.”
Janet looked at the ground. “I’m sorry I threw myself at you like that. I won’t do that again.” She looked up at me and smiled. “At least, not until you graduate. Until then, I’ll give you right of first refusal on my body, too.”
“Sounds good,” I said. “I’m not sure I’ll be able to refuse it again.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
I hugged Janet tightly. “There is one more thing I want to say before I go home. You were right to distract me from my work. I’m constantly in danger of burning out. Feel free to get in my face if you catch me working too hard, or neglecting our friendship, or just being an ass. Next time, I promise to stop working before you lose any clothing.”
Janet winked. “You’re loss, lover. It’s a deal.”
We kissed, and I drove home. I was certain then that we would always be a part of each other’s lives. There really was no one on Earth I loved more than Janet.
But my universe was larger than a single planet. I suspected that Aimee was right, too. If Janet and I were not lovers by now, we probably never would be. My thoughts kept wandering back to the faceless X-wing pilot who still haunted my dreams. I wondered if I might someday see her again, and at least learn her name. The universe seemed to whisper that she was going to become someone important to me, maybe even more important, if that was possible. We were going to meet again, I was almost certain.
And when we did, things were going to get interesting.
